5 Secrets For a Killer LinkedIn Summary

  • 01 Apr 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • LinkedIn

 LinkedIn is one of the most reliable places to talk about jobs, advertise a vacancy, and connect with employers. Many businesses advertise and promote a job opening to get most professional and desirable candidate. The challenges of getting noticed and hired by a LinkedIn user depend on how he/she expresses his interests, achievements, and skills through LinkedIn summary page.

In this article, we will help you design a killer LinkedIn page that get’s noticed and improve your chances of getting hired. Here are top strategies to use to make an outstanding LinkedIn summary page.

1. Highlight Achievements

The starting lines of your LinkedIn summary should discuss your achievements—but in a creative way. For instance, let's suppose you are a graphic designer. Your LinkedIn profile says, ‘I am a graphic designer and have built 20 websites.’ A better version of this could be, ‘I am a graphic designer with extensive experience in digital marketing. I have helped XYZ brands…etc.’

Simple words are definitely easy to read and understand but when you add creativity into it they become interesting to readers. If you want employers to connect you, grab a pen and notepad, practice your opening lining that should catch attention.

2. Write in a Personal Tone

You can touch the hearts of millions of LinkedIn users by directly speaking to them. Talk to them in your profile like you know them and you are open to share your professional skills with them. Start your LinkedIn profile in a personal tone, for instance, ‘I started by career as a graphic designer when I was a student. I love to try new designs and always open for discussion’. These lines highlight that you are good to collaborate and easy going in a group.

You may share some extra information, like how many followers you have on Twitter. If you have a YouTube channel, you can share a link and the number of subscribers. Adding such information adds credibility to your profile.

3. Use Simple Work

Your achievements have to be dramatically highlighted, but overall, the LinkedIn summary should be in simple and easy-to-understand language. Some easy-to-read and quick LinkedIn summaries are head-turners. Well, overall, it depends on employer to employer. It is just a trick that you can try.

4. Try a Blended Approach

By now, you might be feeling confused about how to write the summary – dramatic or simple. All you need to do is blend the two approaches. As stated above, keep the achievements and the opening line exciting, while the rest of the content can be written in simple language.

5. Use Keywords

Keywords are not just for websites. They are also for LinkedIn. You can find your lucky keywords by typing in phrases that match your profession on Google. Keep an eye out for the keywords that appear on the first page and use them in your LinkedIn summary.

Adding keywords to skills and descriptions can help your LinkedIn page be found on search engines. If an employer is looking for talent outside LinkedIn, he will find your profile on a search engine and may contact you.

When writing a LinkedIn profile, make sure you provide authentic information. Always keep your information up-to-date. If you have joined a new company, have taken up a new role, or have upgraded your skills. Updating the information on your LinkedIn can help you get the best job match. LinkedIn is not just a place to get jobs. It is also a great place to connect with like-minded people. If you want to grow your professional network, LinkedIn can be your lucky platform. For whatever you want to do on LinkedIn, you need a LinkedIn summary that catches your eye.

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