Top 7 Tips to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • Leadership

Do you remember the day when you wake up with a racing heart, palms sweaty and shaking of legs at the very instance you are expected to speak in front of an audience? However, we would like you to know the fact that this sort of fear can be addressed, and thus a person can become an effective speaker. But you should realize that this is not the end of the world, and you can always find out how to cope with this and become a confident speaker. Practice the interview questions properly. In this blog post, we will plan to outline seven measures that might be helpful for you in order to help you overcome the public speaking phobia.

  • Preparation is Key

The only real protection against fear and anxiety attacks is knowledge and preparation for such an attack. It is advisable to take time and do some probing about the topic, plan on how to present the thought process and try for some time at oral presentation. Remember, it should not affect your career. This means that the better you are, the more confident you will be to rise and defend your stand. You can act before a mirror, record the outcomes or even ask any friend or a relative to watch while you perform a particular mannerism and then tell you how it was. Grab a cup of hot tea and look at the issue of performance; it is always useful to know one's lines because if one gets confused, then probably what he or she is likely to say next is forgotten.

  • Start Small

If you have stage fear, the first thing that you need to do is rehearse the speech with someone – a familiar person. You can also take the guidance of mentorship in personal growth and development. It also may be useful for you to try to speak in public as much as possible: join a speaking club or a speaking group. Thus the right approach would be to start using it on individual advocates and then progress up the scale since this way, you practice and guard against the fear of speaking in public.

  • Visualize Success

Mental imagery is an activity that many, if not all, athletes, performers, and speakers use before a performance. It is recommended to spend at least a few minutes a day visualizing how the process of producing fluent and loud speech looks like. First, create a clear mental image and visualize yourself standing erect, directly facing your audience, and speaking the right words naturally and with confidence. This is because, through visualization, one is able to minimize the fear that one will make a fool of himself or herself when required to perform on stage or live television. Get the best interview advices now.

  • Focus on Your Audience

Do not focus a lot on those things that affect your comfort or your courage to face the world; instead, start focusing on your readers. Just note that they will be eager to read whatever you have to offer and are somewhat likely or unlikely to agree with your opinion. The gestural variety, eye contact, and ability to ask questions to the target audience or colleagues are very effective in the process of presenting ideas of concern, particularly when explaining. Changing your orientation from self to the audience will help you eventually buy yourself out of the spotlight and make you more confident as a speaker.

  • Dress Up According to the Event

Wearing proper dress code is a way of honoring the event or occasion and those in attendance. In any event, be it a business meeting, wedding, cocktail occasion, or formal dinner, it is essential to know about the dress code. While dressing to attend a formal event, it is advisable to wear suits, formal dresses or, better still, formal gowns in any dull color or black. A flexible dress code is considered suitable for casual occasions; one might wear jeans, casual t-shirts or shirts, and even dresses in warm weather. As a rule, it also makes sense not to be too informal, so it is more appropriate to be even somewhat overdressed than under-dressed. A lame event provides the understanding of the event context or environment that is necessary for making a proper impression and feeling comfortable.

  • How to Look Confident

There are non-verbal signs of confidence that cover aspects such as body language, the posture, as well as the dressing code. As you approach your partner, avoid slouching while ensuring your shoulders are behind you all the time; look directly in the eyes of the person you are shaking hands with and make sure your handshake is firm. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in so that you feel comfortable with your skin, and dress according to your preferences; it has been scientifically proven that if one feels comfortable physically on the inside, he or she shall feel comfortable inside out. Stuttering and not smiling also suggest weakness or instability. It shows that if you can fake confidence, you will eventually gain the real thing, and this will set you in the right direction. The following are some helpful habits that, whenever cultivated into practice, can make you kneel to show supreme confidence no matter the setting. You can also try yoga or ayurveda techniques.

  • Reframe Negative Thoughts

Similarly, list and expunge the unfavorable perceptions and expectations that will exacerbate your nervousness about speaking to a group. But if all the aspects of the situation that are not desirable can be named, it is necessary to focus on the desirable aspects. It can be concluded that negative ways of thinking can be changed to positive ways of thinking by using positive affirmations and confident statements.

Think of the circumstances you experienced in your past positions that made them effective or in which you encountered difficulties. It will help you develop your endurance level, and you can be assured that one day you will deliver a speech.


Therefore, it is suggested that the various steps suggested and guidelines should be practiced and adhered to in order to avoid fear and become a good speaker. Therefore, it is possible to make a person confident and effective when speaking by preparing beforehand, starting with something small, imagining the successful outcome, thinking about the audience and one’s feelings, using proverbial ‘nerves,’ employing relaxation techniques, and reevaluating one’s negative thoughts.

Remember not that everybody feels the same and is scared and nervous at some point, but do not let the fear overpower you and stop you from getting your message out there. This paper shows that, by deliberately applying effort and commitment, one can achieve a victory over the fear of public speaking and become the excellent and persuasive speaker one aspires to be.

  • overcome fear of public speaking
  • tips for public speaking
  • public speaking anxiety
  • boost confidence in public speaking
  • speaking tips